information boards display
information boards peg

Information Boards

Among the many styles of learning, most of the world identifies with obtaining information visually. Displaying valuable material within the sight of your team is vital for proper communication, confirming that you have a clear task for the assignment ahead.

Information Boards provide the ability to improve production by meeting your specific creation needs. With options for multi-sided surfaces, storage space for tools and equipment, and mobility, these specialized boards can be utilized for many environments centered in one location, or for meetings on-the-go.


Whether you’re in need of a typical one-faced board or need a more complex presentation, our designers can create such structures that fit the layout of your space. Here are just a few of the examples of the boards we design and build:

  • Standard White Boards
  • Multi-Sided Boards
  • PEG Boards
  • Shadow Boards


Our additional board features work to keep your team on the same page. Regularly add and remove information using the magnetic property of our boards, or display signs that will reach all members of the floor. Maintaining a key visual of goals and progress is a great way of keeping your team on the same page.

When boards are designed to meet a company’s objective, focus is detracted from wasted time and placed on manufacturing flow. Connect with our team to improve communication and production in your ever-changing work space.